INSTALLATION for gtkmail-1.1.1 ============================== Unles gcc-3.0 is your system compiler, installation is going to be tricky. You will have to (re)compile a lot of stuff by hand. You have been warned. gcc-3 IS NOT my system compiler ------------------------------- 1. Install gcc-3.0. We need gcc-3 because none of the previous gcc releases was anywhere close to supporting ISO C++, and I'm using a lot of it. Ugh. 2. Check to see if you have libsigc++ installed (it comes with recent gnome installations). If so, first get rid of it (if it's a binary package, simply uninstall, OW you'll have to clean it out by hand). Then compile it from souce so it's linked against the gcc-3 libstdc++. 3. Check for openssl. Most Linux/BSDs come with it. If you already have it, you DONT need to recompile. If you don't, get it. 4. Install jlib. 5. Check for gtk+ and gdk-pixbuf. They (usually) come with gnome. Same rules as for openssl. 6. Check for gtkmm and gnomemm. Same rules as for #2. 7. Install gtkmail: ./configure, make, make install. gcc-3 IS my system compiler --------------------------- 1. Check for libsigc++, openssl, gtk+, gdk-pixbuf, gtkmm, and gnomemm. Install it if you don't have it. If you have it, leave it alone. 2. Install jlib and gtkmail: ./configure, make, make install. NOTE TO REDHAT USERS -------------------- RedHat doesn't include /usr/local/lib by default in /etc/, so if you install jlib to /usr/local you won't be able to find it at runtime. Just add the line and run ldconfig as root.